Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today's been a little discouraging.  It's really difficult to put this whole experience into words.  I had to take my son to the doctor and I was not able to communicate very well.  His doctor is fantastic and super accomodating so I normally hear him very well (with both of my hearing aids before my CI).  Now, I don't ever take my CI off during the day and voices are so mechanical with it.  When I go into a situation where I need to hear more (like my son's doctor), I wear my hearing aid also.  But it seems too complicated to understand speech.  It's like my brain can't make sense of the competing signals coming in from both sides, as they are so different.  So I focus super hard on lipreading.  But it seems I am ineffective at lipreading right now.  I think I figured out today why.  I think it's a 3rd competing signal going into my brain and my brain just can't keep up with it all.  I contacted my audiologist about it.  She said that this is all "normal" and that research suggests my brain will be able to eventually adjust to all the competing signals.  All those people out there who think this is a quick fix couldn't be further from the truth!  One day at a time!


Evan said...

It WILL get better! Eye of the turtle. Eye of the turtle.

Lucky to be the mom said...

Truly! It's the patience in the process that can be the hardest. Be patient with yourself :)