Sunday, April 8, 2012

3 Months Post Activation

I had these plans to write an anniversary post on April 5, which marked 3 months since activation.  But the kids and I got so sick!  Everything got off track.  Today is Easter and we barely got our act together to color some eggs and fill the baskets last night.  I think though we are starting to be on the mend.

So...back to my point.  I wanted to make note of how I am hearing 3 months out.  My friend came over tonight and she was amazed I heard Aleah from across the room say "when I wake up I want a vitamin."  Overall I am doing AWESOME!  When I sit and think about the miracles that have lined up for me, I get overwhelmed with gratitude.

My 3's list:

My 3 favorite sounds-- Listening to the kids breathe, the chime notifications on my phone, and the sounds of cooking.

My 3 favorite hearing moments-- Catching Evan ordering an expensive meal from the drivethrough when we had planned to just order from the value menu (it was hillarious when I caught him too, he still can't believe I heard that), my daughter calling me from her bedroom with me responding and answering her question naturally without even realizing a miracle had just taken place, and hearing the comments from the women at church when I taught for the first time without my assistive listening device on.

My 3 biggest surprises-- Already not needing my extra assistive listening devices, catching some words on television without captioning and how quickly I am gaining confidence in social settings.

My 3 hardest hearing environments-- The phone, any place that has noise (though I can now hear okay when it's just my kids making their normal noise) and doctor's offices (with no carpet to absorb sound, it's like a bouncing echo nightmare in those little offices).  My Audi and therapist think that with practice and map tweaking I can do all these areas one day but they think the 2nd implant is what will make the biggest difference here.

The 3 words I would use to describe my CI journey thus far-- Hard, Miraculous and Healing.

1 comment:

Aaron and Emily said...

I love that one of your favorite moments was catching Evan!